Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Beauty of Self-Discovery

Just when I think I've gotten somewhere...just when I think I've learned the most important lesson...just when I think I am ready to commit to my dream...BAM..it hits me.

"Danielle, you are loved. Danielle, you still have work to do. In fact, the work will never stop." says the loving voice within.

That's what my intuition says, but what I feel is more akin to failure. And giving into that feeling allows a new voice to start speaking. I feel heavy and tired. I feel like I got too far ahead of myself. I feel like a sham.

Sitting in these thoughts & feelings for a while though and something miraculous begins to happen. It occurs to me that this is the same old tripe I used to wallow in that led me nowhere. This is the same thinking that held me back from shining my light! So I make a new choice.

I forgive.
I forgive myself. I forgive others who may have unconsciously slighted me. I let go and give thanks.

Breathing deeply and smiling to myself, I recall the words "...the work will never stop". It's good to be here though. There is beauty in self-discovery! And I would take being conscious over being unconscious any day.

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