Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Can Be That Too

There are lots of people who I admire. It may be how they do business, how they manage money, the way they speak or any number of things. What I have decided to do is to be that too.

I don't mean copying or imitating. I truly mean BE-ing.

I have decided to observe the people who inspire and move me to be better and to take on what they do. By applying their methods to my own life, I practice a new way of being. I shift my perception and also, shift how others perceive me.

For instance, I have always been a fast-talker. When I get excited about something or feel I have some expertise to offer, my mouth is off like a rocket! I get to the point where I am just spewing out words to take over the conversation. There's barely room for breath! I admire people who talk slowly...who command attention by speaking with gentle authority. So I now practice this. Sometimes I practice silently to myself, but mostly I have begun to apply this technique when I speak to anybody about anything! I am transformed. Truly. I have become a person who listens patiently and speaks calmly. I am that and everyone else knows it too.

Remember that we are surrounded by people who teach us. When someone else's actions speak to you in a way that lifts you up, making you want to reach for more, be that. Meditate on it, practice it and you can be that too.

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