Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who But You?

If you are seeking things to complain about, no doubt there are plenty. What is thought about is brought about. We live in this constant conundrum where we believe we are but boats lost at sea, when in fact we can pick up an oar and steer. We can steer our way into our own current and follow our unique stream of least resistance. There is a tunnel, a road, a way just for you....if you'd only let go.

Who but you can let go of your past mistakes and hurts? Who but you can forgive those who have wronged you? Who but you can step out of what was expected of you in favour of what is burning within?

You say "But I'm stuck! I'm still hurt!", and yet you despise feeling this way. Can you try to notice what you are feeling? Can you sit in the backseat and observe how low those thoughts make you feel? Can you begin to see how wallowing this way does not serve you? Of course you can. Who but you could do that? So now the question is: Are you willing?

Are you willing to feel love and compassion for everyone? Are you willing to get quiet and listen to that ever-caring voice within? Are you willing to remember who you are and why you were born in this time and space?

This is all it takes to change. A willingness. This is all that it takes to change the way you see the world and your place within it. And who but you can do that for you?