Tuesday, July 13, 2010

With Thanks For All

Only recently have I come to terms with everything that has happened in my life. All of it. I am able to paint my past with a broad brush of gratitude now. All of it. It's all me and I attracted it all. While I do not have the space here to recount every little thing that has occurred in my past 31 years, there is one specific incident that I will share to illustrate my point.

The Lawsuit.

Two and a half years ago my family was sued by a multi-billion dollar corporation. My parents had built a business that began in our basement. They slowly grew this into a medium-sized distribution company that did quite well and were leaders in their field. In 2005, they were approached by a large company to be purchased and after 18 months of negotiations it was a done deal.

This was however, a family company and so aside from my parents & my uncle (the owners), my husband, my brother and 2 close friends worked there. Because of the personal nature of the company, the transition was a difficult one. There was a lot of bitterness from my family about how their company was being handled and the direction it was being taken.
This bitterness festered. We talked about the takeover constantly. We complained. We lamented. Eventually my husband and brother could take it no more and decided to start their own company in a similar field. Just before they resigned however, their plans were discovered.

No Mercy.

Three days later my parents, my uncle, my brother and my husband were slapped with a multi-million dollar lawsuit. At first we laughed it off. Very quickly however that laughter faded into unabated fear. My husband and I were still catching up financially and now we were pregnant with our second child. How would we cope? How could we possibly keep up?
This frenzy of fear and blame continued for months and darkened every corner of our lives. These legal things move so slowly and are riddled with deception, manipulation and negativity. We lived in that pit and drank of that poison for one full year.

The Light.

On February 5th, 2009 a light was turned on. My husband and I watched a movie called "The Secret" which focuses on the power of the Law of Attraction. The purpose of this post is not to promote this movie (though, for us, it was a lifesaver), but merely to illustrate how the depths of helplessness can bring on the loving light of day. We had effectively surrendered the situation at this point and watching this movie brought sweet clarity. We had attracted this lawsuit. With our griping, negativity and our severe attachment to the company that was, we had brought on a maelstrom of madness. In essence we received from the Universe what we were giving to the Universe.

This shifted, for us, the course of the next few months because our thoughts and feelings shifted. We became so utterly grateful for what we had. We stopped blaming. We opened ourselves up to possibilities. We surrendered the outcome of the lawsuit altogether.

The Outcome.

In November of 2009 the lawsuit was settled. It had been behind us in our minds for months, but now it was all official.
I could be typing this post right now with an air of acridity and defiance, but I do not. I type with love and gratitude. That event shocked us to our cores and led us to the light. That event woke us up. I often pray for the people who were involved in the lawsuit...people from both sides. It was an occurrence that I know my family will not soon forget.
I know how the world works now. I see the part I play. I awake each morning and thank God for this life. I ask how I can be of service. I walk through my life now with awareness and awe of God's grace. We are blessed; we are guided and we give thanks for it all.


1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring! What a shift life takes when you look at things from the perspective of love and gratitude and respect the Law of Attraction. :)
