Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rising Above Your Setbacks

We all have goals. Whether we write them down, say them out loud or silently work towards them, they exist. So when we experience failure, it can become all too easy to give up. What we need to realize though is that more often than not, our failures occur for a reason. It could be that you are not on your life's best path to begin with, or it could be a mild setback to make you appreciate how far you have come or lastly, it could be that the Universe has something better in store for you.

When we allow society or even our loved ones to have a "say" in how we live our lives, we are not living our own truth. Perhaps you have always been a very caring and nurturing person and so your parents told you what a great Nurse you would be. Wanting to please them and not knowing what *you* want to do, you go to Nursing School, try your hardest and hope for the best. Without going within and searching out what your true gifts and talents are, you are bound to have some setbacks. You flunk a test, or you don't get the position you were hoping for, you and your boss are incompatible etc. These occurrences are showing up to get you to look at your choices and decide for *yourself*. Is this what I truly want?

Other times it may be that we are already on a good path. We do feel we are in alignment with our true selves and we are helping others as well. Maybe you decided to coach a boy's baseball team for a summer. You apply all your gifts and talents to teaching these boys to play their best. The team goes on to be undefeated the whole season, but then loses the championship. As disappointing as a failure like this is, it is also a wonderful way of showing us how far we have come!

Often our dream for ourselves is quite small in comparison to what the Universe wants to provide us. You may dream of becoming a school teacher. You go to school, volunteer with children in your spare time and apply to positions where you feel you can do the most good. So when you keep getting turned down for these jobs, you start to question your worth, your skills or even the sanity of the Principals who keep passing you over! This is often when the Universe is working its magic. Just when you are about to give in, that is when you need to believe the most. That is when your friend will be talking to a co-worker about you and what an amazing teacher you are. That co-worker will know someone who needs someone just like you on their team, and the position you end up receiving is leaps and bounds beyond what you had originally imagined for yourself!

Think of failure as a feedback. When it happens in your life, think to yourself: what have I been missing? am I following *my dream*? have I been appreciating the journey? is there something bigger coming my way? Believe, trust....your greatest good is always what is unfolding. The Universe wants nothing else for you.
Danielle Boonstra

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