Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tithing - An Old Concept with Timeless Meaning

We have all heard the sayings about how it is better to give than to receive, or how giving something will bring it back to you one hundred-fold. I think often we *hear* these words, but rarely do we consider their meaning, never mind act in this way. Mary Morrissey writes: "Most of us who choose a spiritual path of living find we're willing to give our love, and we're willing to give our friendship, and we're even willing to give our time, but we're much less willing to give of our financial good.". It requires a great leap of faith to give away our money when we feel we only have so much to give....when we have a comfort level.

Tithing is a way to move past this scarcity mindset and move into that wonderful feeling of abundance. A tithe is defined as "A tenth of one's income given away voluntarily" and it comes from the Bible. Of course it does not have to be 10%. It could be 2, 5 or 20! The point is to give. And when you give in percentages, the act of giving becomes more automatic, more comfortable much more quickly.

Giving *feels* good. And the truth is, it really does bring you more. The universe shows you its preference for abundance every minute of every day. Align yourself with this and live within it. Your life will change so much just from this one act. That I promise you.
Danielle Boonstra

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