Monday, January 18, 2010

A Case For Loving Your Job

How many people do you know *love* what they do for a living? How many of them like it even? I suggest to you that loving your job is important. You spend an enormous amount of your time and energy in your work. It receives a lot of your attention, so why not give your attention to something you are good at and something you enjoy? Here are some reasons why I believe this matters:

1) You Have Gifts & Talents - We all have our own special skills and abilities, but how many of us actually apply these? You may say you cannot make money at what it is that you are good at, but is this really true or did you just give up trying? Someone out there is financially successful at the thing you are good at. What makes them different than you? The answer: nothing. By holding back our aptitudes, we extinguish our light. We shy away from all that we can offer the world. You are good at something. Share it!

2) You Are Taking Someone's Place - The truth is that even if you don't particularly enjoy your job, someone else out there would. To someone else, your job is a dream! So by working at something you do not like, you are keeping that job from someone who would. We all have our strengths. Are you applying yours right now?

3) Success Doesn't Come From a Pay Cheque - If you are working purely for a pay cheque, you will never find true success. You know I'm right. True success is born out of passion! When you follow what is tugging at your heart you are on the path to your own version of prosperity. Decide what it is you love. Declare it. Think of how you can apply it. Tell everyone you know about it. This is how to have to light the fire! You are more than a Pay Cheque.

4) Happiness Makes the World a Better Place - Just imagine if everyone in the world loved their job. What would that look like? We would have less depression, more smiles....less shouting, more laughing...less weeping, more moments of contentment. Somewhere along the way we got lost. We forgot to listen to our own heart's desires and started nodding to the "shoulds" of the outside world. There is always a way to do what you love. People do it everyday.

Be open to the possibility that you have more to offer this world than what you are currently. I believe that when we choose a path filled with passion, the money will come. I understand that there are children, spouses and mortgages to consider, but ask yourself: What is the worst that could happen? Chances are it is something that you could live through and would most likely never even come to pass. You deserve all that life has to offer. We all do.

Danielle Boonstra


  1. I must say I loved it for a simple reason that I too believe peole should engage 75 % of their day in what they truly love than work for a pay cheque. No amount of money can be aspired for if you dont support it with passion and empowerment to others

  2. I agree Neha. And what better way to empower people than by sharing your own talents?? Thanks!
