Monday, January 11, 2010

I Knew What I Was Doing

I felt it in the very core of my being. As the mother of 2 beautiful children blessed to live in a country that grants new mothers 1 year of Parental Leave, I had the time to reflect and consider. I had a wonderful job, but it required a lot of my time. Where did my children fit in?

To put it quite simply....they didn't.

Monday to Friday was a mad rush from home to daycare to work to daycare and then home again. For my family, this was no way to live. We were all way too stretched. Home was calling.

And to my surprise, very few people supported our choice. "How are you going to afford it?" was a common question. My answer now is: "Through sheer intention!". What good is a job if it keeps me from what I love, what brings me joy?

I knew what I was doing.

If I was being pulled to stay at home with my children, then this was the right way to go. All that I have needed to make this work has come to me. When I let go and let the Universe step in to help it all became OK.

The lesson? Follow your joy. Follow love. It works. With faith and trust; it works.
Danielle Boonstra


  1. Danielle I loved this article it reminds me so much of how I felt when I followed my instincts to start my business online

  2. Thanks Neha. Following your instincts is the only way to go right?!
