Monday, December 14, 2009

Be Fearless

It is the only thing that will ever hold you back from achieving your greatest dream. It can be subtle or screaming loud. It can seduce and trick you into an unfulfilled, boring life complete with too much TV, food and alcohol. It can cripple you if you let it. It is Fear.

We are so afraid these days. We are afraid of failure, of looking bad, of not being liked... The list goes on and on. And what we do not realize is that this fear actually keeps us locked out of life's joys and freedoms. What if we shut out that voice in our head that says "But *this* could happen!"? What if we listened to the positive voice? There is always risk involved, but our failures and mistakes are what we learn and grow from. True success is born from change. We will never achieve our dreams without action.

So we can acknowledge that negative voice, but then move on. A little bit of fear is healthy and can even help motivate you into following your passion. Just know that when you are following your dream, you are not alone. The Universe will help you. Take consistent action in spite of the naysayers and you will be helped! Be fearless.

Danielle Boonstra

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