Monday, January 4, 2010

The Act of Change

Change. To some the word itself can seem uncomfortable, and yet change as the Proverb says, is the only constant. It can be easy to stay in our little comfortable lives. You may have a routine and follow it everyday. Of course there is peace in that! But in order to live to our fullest potential, we must be willing to stretch and grow past what we know right now. And believe it or not, that peace you feel in your cozy cocoon life, can follow you through every change you make.

Everything good that has happened in your life, probably felt scary at first. You were unsure how you would cope, what you would do, how you would feel. And yet now you can look back with fondness at that unnerving beginning. Chances are if you fear change, then all the new beginnings in your life came to you passively. That is, you did not go out seeking something new, but something new found you. This type of change is inevitable, but active change, a change you seek and initiate is often even more rewarding!

There is something that you have always wanted to do. There is some new thing that you have always wanted to try. So what is stopping you? Fear right? Fear of failure, of disruption, of humiliation....the list could go on. What I suggest to you is that you have met with change all your life whether active or passive and you have coped. Taking control of your life, by actively seeking the change you desire, you keep the peace. The comfort of a routine comes from feeling in control. Take this control and use it as intention. Use it to change your life and to do all the things you have always wanted to do!

Life should happen through you, not to you. Change is nothing to fear, because you never cope alone. By listening to that voice inside that longs to try something new you can begin to live your greatest life. Peace may seem to come from feeling in control but that feeling is just an illusion. Peace comes from being ready...from knowing that you are guided and that your purpose is to flourish. Seek change and be an active participant in your own life.

Danielle Boonstra

1 comment:

  1. Being actively attracting good towards me and others around me I would share that there is no limit to how much of greatness can be achieved or wealth or love if we are full of gratitude towards any change in our lives
