Monday, June 7, 2010

Romancing My Friends

I grew up loving Charlotte Bronte & Jane Austen. The stories of love, loss and misunderstandings filled me up! I loved the romance of them and I eagerly awaited when it would be my turn to fall in love and be swept off my feet. It turned out I didn't have to wait long. I met my husband when I was 14 and we've been together since we were 17. While 13 years later he is my best friend and the love of my life, it never compared to those books I read as an adolescent...because they were fiction.

I do not mean to sound disappointed, merely a little surprised. I tried to make the drama throughout our relationship. When we were apart, I would accuse him of not missing me. When we were reunited I would demand greater showing of affection. It's a wonder he stayed with me at all! What I know now, and have for some time, is that I was putting expectations on him and on our relationship that were completely irrational! The love was there...underneath it all...the entire time. I just denied it. I blocked it in favour of something more dramatic...more romantic.

It is so different now.

Now, believe it or not, I find that feeling of romance and passion with my friends. These are not just your run of the mill "What's the weather like where you are?" friends. These women feed my spirit! We discuss everything. We pray; we meditate. Nothing is hidden and all is accepted. We inspire and uplift one another. We hold space for each other's greatest hopes and dreams. We encourage only that which we know to be each other's fullest capacity for magnificence. These are relationships like no other. These relationships have changed my life.

I no longer look to my husband to fulfill and validate every facet of my existence. While he is wonderful and very receptive to all that I do now, the pressure is off of him to support everything I do on a continual basis. I create the space where I attract the right people to speak to and share with.

I would encourage every woman, no matter your age to seek out like-minded ladies. Come together in mind, body & spirit and share. Take one another into confidence and behold the greatness in each other. This is love at its best and most powerful. This is the new romance.

2 Wonderful Places to Meet Like-Minded Friends Online:

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