Monday, February 8, 2010

Guilt - A Waste of Your Precious Thoughts

How could I have done that? Why did I say that? He'll never look at me the same way again. She'll never know how much I really do love her.

Thoughts like this can consume us. They suck us in to a Negative-Thinking Black Hole that seems impossible to pull ourselves from. Guilt. It's our way of beating ourselves up and telling ourselves we are not lovable; that we are not enough. What a waste.

What if we could be more gentle with ourselves? What if we could remember that we are here to learn?

Often we convince ourselves that something we have said or done is so awful we begin to wonder how anyone can love us. We start thinking that others are talking about us and how bad we are. More often that not though, the thing that we thought was so terrible, was really nothing to the other person. We blow these events so out of proportion that we begin to create a very negative picture of ourselves.

That is not who you are.

You are a divine being and love is your only reality. Be kind and loving to yourself. Apologize when necessary and right those wrongs, but do not get caught up in your mistakes. Learn from them. Let them be guideposts on your path to discovering who you really are, what you truly value.

As you forgive yourself you give leave for others to do the same. As you release your guilt you let love and light in. Guilt keeps us down. Forgiveness frees us to take the lesson to heart and move forward.

Be gentle with yourself. Guilt is a waste of your precious thoughts and it only serves to keep love out. Always let love in.
Danielle Boonstra

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